Directory By Member Names: A - C | C - H | H - R | R - S | T - Z
Directory By Companies: A - K | K - S | T - Z
Directory by Business Categories:
Automotive - Banking - Computers - Construction - Education & Training - Farming - Florist - Government - Health & Medical
Insurance & Planning - Law - Manufacturing - Media - Other - Real Estate - Restaurants - Retail - Utilities

Education & Training

Lunenburg County Public Schools Dora Wynn, 434-676-2467

P.O. Box 710, Kenbridge, VA, 23844 [Map It] Web Page:

The mission of the Lunenburg County School Board is to insure that all students learn in an environment which nurtures the

cooperative efforts of all school personnel, students, parents and community members.

Southside Virginia Community College Linda Sheffield, VP, Adult Education 434-736-2002

109 Campus Drive, Alberta, VA, 23821 [Map It] Web Page:

Success Starts Here….

Merchant Agents Program, Inc. Ryan Follett, Employ-Serv. Mgr (434) 696-1117

, , , Web Page:

Merchant Agents offers training for merchant service sales professionals

TANF recipients which will lead to an employment outcome.

Willowland Farm Bernice Thompson, Secretary (434) 676-3153

199 Potts Spring Rd., Dundas, VA, 23938 [Map It] Web Page:

Farm fresh locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Fast Merchant Advance Jessica Pearson, Co-Owner (434) 696-2383

, , , Web Page:

Fast Merchant Advance offers working capital and business funding for small businesses all over the US

Entrust MCA Ginger Yancey, Co-Owner (434) 696-2383

, , , Web Page:

If you need financing or funding fast, give the professionals at Entrust MCA a call today.